If our feet are on the Planet; Eco-Stewardship is our responsibility.
I Am Green understands we may find it difficult to get to eco-stewardship if we aren’t addressing other most pressing issues that affect our communities. In perpetual survival mode for… Food, Clothing, & Shelter!
So, we address many of these issues with authentic community partnerships with community development organizations whose values of resiliency, justice, and equity align with our own.
I Am Green understands we may find it difficult to get to eco-stewardship if we aren’t addressing other most pressing issues that affect our communities. In perpetual survival mode for… Food, Clothing, & Shelter!
So, we address many of these issues with authentic community partnerships with community development organizations whose values of resiliency, justice, and equity align with our own.
Caring about the Planet is not a matter of affluence or influence; it isn't about being a "tree-hugger," saving the polar bears, or how many pairs of Birkenstocks we own; it is a matter of personal responsibility and duty.
Do we breathe air? Do we drink water? Do we eat food? We owe.
Many of our communities were intentionally filled with environmental harms in the air, water, food, and homes that lead to toxicity. This toxicity causes erratic behaviors, developmental issues causing poor life choices, dysfunction, economic instability, & unfavorable life trajectory.
WE can change that!
Let's work out in our collective genius together:
Do we breathe air? Do we drink water? Do we eat food? We owe.
Many of our communities were intentionally filled with environmental harms in the air, water, food, and homes that lead to toxicity. This toxicity causes erratic behaviors, developmental issues causing poor life choices, dysfunction, economic instability, & unfavorable life trajectory.
WE can change that!
Let's work out in our collective genius together:
Which one of the 10 pathways is your or your organization's area of expertise?
Become one of our trusted partners on the journey of loving ourselves and our planet!
Become one of our trusted partners on the journey of loving ourselves and our planet!
I Am Green has determined through years of community engagement that education is important, yet, personal factors such as a deep connection to nature, personal relevance to the issue and personal agency towards action are important elements that contribute to successful behavior changes. I Am Green starts with assisting community members with identifying sustainable practices that have been passed down from generation to generation. Community members then determine how they can use said practices to reconnect to nature and each other. This method initiates the cultural translation necessary in making sustainability more relatable in communities impacted most by environmental injustice and climate inequity. This ensures participants can become leaders, activists, and even professionals who can improve environmental conditions, and adapt to climate crisis in communities, thinking globally, acting locally.